Entries by Shannon Sanderson

ACI’s Managing Partner, Jay Gettenberg, Will Be a Citrin Cooperman FINOP Roundtable Panelist

ACI Managing Partner, Jay Gettenberg, will participate in a November 12 virtual roundtable discussion on important issues FINOPs may face in the upcoming audit season.

The roundtable will bring together six industry veterans to provide insights and advice on a variety of topics, including the impact of the COVID pandemic on internal control changes, fixed asset and other impairments, and related issues.

SEC Footnote 74 Provides Alternative for Broker-Dealers Who Don’t Hold Customer Funds

The SEC recently provided non-carrying broker dealers with an alternative option as to how they can maintain their exemptive status under SEC Rule 15c-3-3.

ACI Managing Partner, Jay Gettenberg, has worked closely with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and FINRA in recent years to address the practical reality that there are FINRA member firms who do not hold customer funds, yet do not technically qualify under any of the four exemptions listed on the X-17A-5 Focus Report.

ACI’s Jay Gettenberg to Appear on July 30, 2020 “Accounting and Auditing in COVID Times” Teleconference

ACI Managing Partner, Jay Gettenberg, will participate in a broker-dealer update tech session teleconference on July 30, 2020 to discuss the regulatory accounting and auditing issues that arose from the coronavirus pandemic.

The six-person panel, “Accounting and Auditing in COVID Times,” sponsored by the Foundation for Accounting Education, will examine how the pandemic affected industry practices. ACI’s focus during this panel will be to share practical lessons learned while helping over 50 broker-dealer clients navigate the SBA-backed Paycheck Protection Program.